When we say that Erasmus works magic, we mean it with good reason. The weather threatened with clouds, but when our children's expedition arrived, the sun shone as their voices do when they sing.
Our host school in Witkowice, has received us at the bus exit, dressed in typical costumes from all the countries that make up this project. Sevillanas and flamenco dresses, Greek gods, Italian flags, details of Croatian folklore, they were waiting for us to enter the school, decorated with images, drawings, posters, typical food, crafts...everything revolved around our Erasmus: Folklore European.

All the Polish children and teachers have given us a tour through the school, like the one who shows his house to the most desired guest.
Afterwards, the school principal had a few words of welcome for everyone, Renata, who is our Polish coordinator, thanked us for our presence in Poland, and Beata and Karolina, the music teachers, have prepared a series of performances with the children, very varied, that wthey have left you speechless.We have felt your hospitality and we want to live up to the effort and work you have done for us, making this week an unforgettable adventure for all of us who are lucky enough to participate in it.
After a brief breakfast, we went to the Cultural Center where the rehearsal room for our European Choir was prepared.
The children have joined their voices to sing the songs from our repertoire. Voices that little by little are fitting in to be able to give the best in each of the concerts that we are going to offer.
The mayor of Klomnice has received us at the Town Hall and has given us a series of gifts that have delighted our children.
We have taken the opportunity to invite you to one of our concerts, although right there in the Town Hall you have been able to hear the voices of the children, who have sung part of the repertoire.
To end the day, we have taken a tour of Częstochowa, through the cathedral, the main streets, the square with the statue of the man who gives the city its name... and thus we have finished our first day, wishing we could enjoy every second . Tomorrow....more music!

Today ended the second day of mobility in Poland. It was a day full of intense emotions!!! In the morning we were able to experience various workshops organized by the teachers of the school of Witkowice: art, geography, sport and robotics workshops, all very interesting and engaging for our students.

Immediately after we started rehearsals at the cultural center of Klominice; here we could watch various shows: we saw two small majorettes who are champions in their specialty doing a fantastic choreography,then the Folk band “Senioritki” composed of nice ladies directed by an amazing dance teacher, danced for all of us bringing enthusiasm and joyness to everyone.This day gave us the opportunity to get to know Polish culture more closely, not only their songs but also the engaging dances that we learnt and danced together!

At the end of the day we all shared the same table, teachers and pupils from Poland, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Greece, and all together like a big happy family,tasting the special dishes of this splendid land that welcomes us.It was an incredible and unforgettable day Thanks to the affection, warmth and work of the Polish team that makes us feel like at home
Third Day in the mobility in Poland.
Today our hosts wanted to show us one of the jewels of their country, CRACOW..From the first hour we have headed for this beautiful city, where we have been able to enjoy its monuments, streets, parks and squares...We have visited the Wawel Castle and the Cathedral. Our guide has been explaining everything to us in a pleasant way, making us enjoy our tour.After knowing the history of the city and some of the legends that revolve around it, we have offered our first concert in Poland, on a movie set, the Main Square of Krakow.

After knowing the history of the city and some of the legends that revolve around it, we have offered our first concert in Poland, on a movie set, the Main Square of Krakow.The people who passed by have been able to enjoy our songs. It has been a very nice experience for them, and they have been delighted to be able to get to know this fantastic city. 


Today ended the second day of mobility in Poland. It was a day full of intense emotions!!! In the morning we were able to experience various workshops organized by the teachers of the school of Witkowice: art, geography, sport and robotics workshops, all very interesting and engaging for our students.

Immediately after we started rehearsals at the cultural center of Klominice; here we could watch various shows: we saw two small majorettes who are champions in their specialty doing a fantastic choreography,then the Folk band “Senioritki” composed of nice ladies directed by an amazing dance teacher, danced for all of us bringing enthusiasm and joyness to everyone.
This day gave us the opportunity to get to know Polish culture more closely, not only their songs but also the engaging dances that we learnt and danced together!

At the end of the day we all shared the same table, teachers and pupils from Poland, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Greece, and all together like a big happy family,tasting the special dishes of this splendid land that welcomes us.
It was an incredible and unforgettable day Thanks to the affection, warmth and work of the Polish team that makes us feel like at home

Third Day in the mobility in Poland.
Today our hosts wanted to show us one of the jewels of their country, CRACOW..
From the first hour we have headed for this beautiful city, where we have been able to enjoy its monuments, streets, parks and squares...We have visited the Wawel Castle and the Cathedral.
Our guide has been explaining everything to us in a pleasant way, making us enjoy our tour.
After knowing the history of the city and some of the legends that revolve around it, we have offered our first concert in Poland, on a movie set, the Main Square of Krakow.

After knowing the history of the city and some of the legends that revolve around it, we have offered our first concert in Poland, on a movie set, the Main Square of Krakow.
The people who passed by have been able to enjoy our songs. It has been a very nice experience for them, and they have been delighted to be able to get to know this fantastic city.

Fourth day of mobility in Poland.
In the morning we visited the Sanctuary of the Jasna Gòra (Black Virgin), a place of pilgrimage since the Middle Ages. The Poles are very devoted to this virgin, as she is very miraculous.
We visited the Częstochowa Town Hall and were welcomed by the mayor.
Afterwards we rehearsed and offered the last concert of our “A small choir for a great continent”, and it was very special and endearing. Thanks to our Polish coordinator Renata Chrostowska and music teacher Beata Górecka-Grabara for preparing everything with such care and detail. I will never forget this incredible mobility!!
Thanks Karolina Stanisz for taking care of my foot. You and your daughter are lovely!!🌹
We all ended up crying like children!
The mayors of Częstochowa and Katowice, and the member of the Polish Parliament Lidia Burzyńska, attended.
She said we are “A BIG choir for a small continent”. He came expressly from Warsaw and it was a real honor for us.
He gave a speech about how necessary art in general and music in particular is in the training of our students. 👏🏼👏🏼😍😍
Music connects people!!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Music is the SOUL of our life.
And he said that this was “A GREAT CHOIR for a SMALL CONTINENT.”
Emotional and endearing night.


El poder de la música es increíble, todos los alumnos que han podido participar en él han podido experimentarlo. Y los profesores que hemos formado parte de este proyecto hemos sido testigos de ello.

Guardaremos en nuestra memoria momentos únicos, mágicos. Hemos visto cómo niños de países y culturas diferentes que no se conocen de nada, en cada viaje dan lo mejor de sí mismos, crean lazos entre ellos y unen sus voces en una sola voz, gritando al mundo que TODOS SOMOS UNO.
Algo tan necesario en esta sociedad cada vez más individualista en la que vivimos.
Gracias por darnos tanto en tan poco tiempo. Volvemoos a casa con el corazón rebosante de alegria y el alma llena de emoción.
Los profesores que hemos vivido cada movilidad regresamos siempre conmocionados por la experiencia, sin poder expresar con palabras el tsunami de emociones vividas.
Ayer visitamos unas minas de plata Tarnowskie Góry recorriendo sus galerías subterráneas andando y en barca. ¡Nos encantó!
Después visitamos el Palacio Kawarnia y visitamos el Museo del Folklore, donde participamos en charlas y talleres de danzas tradicionales.
Aprendimos a bailar la Polonesa, baile por excelencia polaco, y pusimos broche final cenando juntos. Y como no, cantamos y bailamos para despedirnos.
Al terminar agradecimos al dueño del Restaurante Tori su amabilidad y nos contestó:
“You are a marvellous group, I feel your good energy, you are very lucky”

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