They have finally arrived and we meet !!! after a year of online interviews,

WhatsApp messages, emails ... a face-to-face meeting of our project partners becomes a reality !!! now ... to sing !!

Waiting for our Erasmus colleagues in Tomelloso ... everything is ready .... let's keep our fingers crossed so that everything goes well. There are many surprises and much to learn and share !!!! .
Our school choir conducting course starts tomorrow !!! Many nerves and more illusion !!!!
From September 25 to 28, 2021 in Tomelloso, the location of the project's coordinating center, a SCHOOL CHOIR DIRECTING course was held, attended by the coordinating partners from each country and the music teachers from each school. Only Greece did not attend due to serious personal reasons that prevented them from being with us in person, although they accompanied us virtually at all times, connected to each activity.
The Mayor Jiménez of Tomelloso welcomes all the European teachers working on our Erasmus project “A small choir for a great continent”.
We thank you for the warm welcome and the kindness .
Durante la jornada de hoy, nuestras ponentes nos han enseñado diferentes ejercicios de calentamiento coral con el fin de conseguir una mejor calidad en las voces de nuestros alumnos. La clase ha sido muy práctica consiguiendo, mediante ejercicios, una respiración diafragmática, muy importante para un canto de calidad.
Hemos continuado profundizando en los villancicos de cada país que formarán parte del repertorio de nuestros coros durante los próximos trimestres.
Al acabar la jornada de curso, ha comenzado la visita cultural a los museos locales: Museo del Bombo, donde nuestros socios han podido conocer la construcción más típica de nuestra ciudad, los aperos de labranza, la vestimenta y todo lo que rodea a nuestro folklore.
A continuación, hemos visitado una chimenea popular en el horizonte tomellosero y el museo de nuestro pintor más ilustre, Antonio López Torres para admirar la excelencia de sus pinturas
La ruta cultural de hoy termina en la Posada de los Portales, seña de identidad de la ciudad y desde donde hemos disfrutado de una panorámica completa de la plaza De España...
Para terminar, hemos degustado y disfrutado de la gastronomía y vinos manchegos: gachas, migas, queso manchego... placer de dioses.
Mañana más...
During today's session, our speakers have taught us different choral warm-up exercises in order to achieve better quality in the voices of our students. The class has been very practical, achieving, through exercises, diaphragmatic breathing, very important for quality singing.
We have continued to delve into the Christmas carols from each country that will be part of the repertoire of our choirs during the coming quarters.
At the end of the course day, the cultural visit to the local museums began: Bombo Museum, where our members were able to learn about the most typical construction of our city, the farming tools, clothing and everything that surrounds our folklore. .
Next, we visited a popular chimney on the horizon of Tomellosero and the museum of our most illustrious painter, Antonio López Torres to admire the excellence of his paintings.
Today's cultural route ends at the Posada de los Portales, a hallmark of the city and from where we enjoyed a complete panoramic view of Plaza De España...
To finish, we have tasted and enjoyed the gastronomy and wines of La Mancha: porridge, migas, Manchego cheese... a delight of the gods.
Our summary, some intensive days!!
Here you have all the activities we did!!!!
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