The big day has arrived!
Early in the morning the delegations met in "La Tinaja" for the general rehearsal. Sopranos and altos were finally able to weave their melodic singing together like a fine canvas.
However, the time has come quickly to get going to get to Ceip Luis Costa. Teachers and students, dressed in the typical costumes of the Murcian tradition, warmly and fervently welcomed the delegations that followed one another in strict order to receive the welcome from the director, Patricio Amorós Roda, and the coordinator of the project in Murcia, Nuria Escolano.
After two splendid performances, masterfully choreographed in Olympic style, the group moved to the majestic Palazzo Comunale, where they were joyfully received and sang "Tu scendi dalle stelle" in one of the building's most sumptuous rooms. After the visit, after a short walk through the historic center, the morning literally took off.
The delegations had the privilege of participating in an open flamenco lesson at the dance conservatory.
An art rich in history, mystery and culture, from the deepest and heartbreaking styles to the most rhythmic, which call to party.
Enriched and revitalized by the exciting experience, space was given to conviviality and good food, the perfect combination to recreate that cozy atmosphere where you feel at home, surrounded by your closest friends. The place chosen for the meeting: the dining room of the University of Murcia, a fascinating destination for many young minds. In the afternoon, the group made an interesting visit to the city, to discover its history and the most important places, including some of the most representative nativity scenes made with recycled materials, in the cloister of one of the buildings in the historic center. .
Another day of great emotions begins. First stop the Museum of Ethnic Music. An engaging and interesting journey to discover the most original and unusual musical instruments from around the world. Inside, the group improvised a mini concert using percussion instruments of Amazonian origin. After a short rest, the first important event of the Erasmus choir in mobility in Murcia arrives: the concert in the Basilica 'La Vera Cruz' in Caravaca de la Cruz. Thanks to Facebook Live, it was possible to experience, even from a distance, the emotion that the choir arouses in the souls of its viewers in each of its performances. In the afternoon, immediately after lunch, thanks to the irrepressible energy of maestro Roberto, young and old alike let themselves be carried away by the captivating rhythm of the music. We concluded the day visiting the Museo de la Huerta that immersed us in the history and culture of this warm and fascinating land. Murcia conquers the hearts of all of us!!!
Third day of our mobility in Murcia.

Our Erasmus choir, after rehearsing the popular and Christmas repertoire, has headed for Cartagena. A city with a special charm, full of history and treasures, many of them still to be discovered, due to its rich archaeological remains.
The Councilor for Culture has received us at the Town Hall, where our children have been able to observe the beauty of this spectacular building and share their voices with those present.
Later, a boat was waiting for us to take us around the coast, enjoying the marine landscape, making the children spend an unforgettable moment.
As soon as we got off, we went to the Roman theater of Cartagena. a place full of history and that we have been able to get to know better thanks to two wonderful guides, who have explained the theater and legends and curiosities about it in detail.
For the children it has been very interesting and they have been attentive and curious about everything they heard.
The meal was at the Casa Rufino Restaurant, we have regained our strength to continue enjoying the Mar Menor coast and arrive by bus to the Cabo de Palos lighthouse.
And to end the day... some of the teachers and a group of children have gone to listen to a concert given by the Tallis Choir, which includes colleagues from the project in Murcia: Ana Fuentes and Patricio Amorós. The children wanted to join this fantastic choir, which has sweetly and with great quality interpreted a repertoire of precious Christmas carols that are very familiar to us.
One more day where the Erasmus + spirit has accompanied us. laughter and music have been present, creating memories in our memory that we can never forget!!!!
Long live the music!!!!

The day of our singers had a crackling start today.After a tour exploring the school, during which the Erasmus students carried out various and interesting activities inside the classrooms, all the students and teachers met in the open space in front of the entrance of the institute to make a flash mob with the language of signs.
The experience was especially valued because, in addition to being a beautiful show, it conveyed an important message: diversity cannot be considered a limit but can become an opportunity.
In the afternoon the group moved to the Murcia Auditorium where, at night, the concert was broadcast on this channel via Facebook live. Invariable the great success among the parents and teachers present and in connection.
tomorrow last important appointment at the Romea Theater in Murcia for the concert that will put an end to this exciting mobility.
And ...what happened on the fifth day?
It was again an amazing day.
We started with a general rehearsal to prepare the concert at the Teatro Romea, in which they hung the FULL sign! All tickets were sold. 

Our singers were able to relax at the Balneario de Fortuna, an idyllic place where stress and anxiety disappear with their first swim in one of its fantastic pools. There they gave an impromptu concert... without a doubt an unusual setting
Nuestros cantantes pudieron relajarse en el Balneario de Fortuna, un lugar idílico donde el estrés y la ansiedad desaparecen en el primer baño en una de sus fantásticas piscinas. Allí dieron un concierto improvisado... sin duda un escenario poco habitual!
After a good bath... who doesn't have an appetite? There is nothing better than good Murcian gastronomy to gain strength!!!
Después de un buen baño...a quién no se le abre el apetito? No hay nada mejor que la buena gastronomía murciana para coger fuerzas!
The kindness of the people of Murcia, especially the families of Ceip Luis Costa, made us delight in the typical Murcian dishes. No words... simply... DELICIOUS
La amabilidad de las gentes de Murcia, en especial de las familias del Ceip Luis Costa, nos hizo deleitarnos con los platos típicos murcianos. Sin palabras... simplemente...DELICIOSOS!
And as a culmination for an unforgettable week... a formidable concert at a charity gala in favor of the Astrapace Association. The voices of our children served to raise funds for a good end and once again the applause invaded the theater. the magic of music and our choir reappeared!
Y como colofón a una semana inolvidable...un concierto formidable en una gala solidaria a favor de la Asociación Astrapace. Las voces de nuestros niños sirvieron para recaudar fondos para un buen fin y una vez más los aplausos invadieron el teatro. La magia de la música y de nuestro coro volvió a surgir!
Gracias Murcia, Gracias Nuria, Gracias al equipo Erasmus del Ceip Luis Costa, a Patricio ( su director) a las familias, al claustro, a los niños y... al Sepie Sepie por hacer realidad un sueño, por permitir llevar nuestro coro a un montón de rincones, por permitir poner en valor nuestra cultura Europea y por sembrar tradiciones y folklore en la educación de nuestros niños. Viva Murcia, viva España y viva Europa!

Music creates bonds... and in our case, double-knot bonds that will never be untied. Friendships, moments and memories that we will always carry in our hearts and in our memory.

La música crea lazos...y en nuestro caso, lazos de doble nudo que no se desatarán jamás. Amistades, momentos y recuerdos que siempre llevaremos en nuestro corazón y en nuestra memoria.

* Murcia Music and Dance School.
* ROBERTO !!!!!!
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