Another activity included within our project on traditions and folklore is to show all our partners the customs of our regions at Christmas.
Otra actividad englobada dentro de nuestro proyecto sobre tradiciones y folklore, es mostrar a todos nuestros socios las costumbres de nuestras regiones en Navidad.

Prosegue spedita l’entusiasmante avventura Erasmus…
Grande fermento fra i nostri alunni, stavolta per la realizzazione del video che esporta le tradizioni natalizie siciliane in Europa.
Grandi e piccini, travolti da un'allegra frenesia, hanno lavorato senza sosta per produrre in tempo e condividerlo con i partner europei, un travolgente collage di tutte le attività che contraddistinguono il magico periodo del Natale. Dai corridoi della scuola, alle vie della città e nelle case si è diffusa, ancora una volta grazie all'Erasmus, una ritrovata e suggestiva atmosfera di festa!
The exciting Erasmus adventure continues ...
Great excitement among our students, this time for the making of the video that exports Sicilian Christmas traditions to Europe.
Young and old, overwhelmed by a cheerful frenzy, worked tirelessly to produce in time and share it with European partners, an overwhelming collage of all the activities that distinguish the magical period of Christmas. Thanks to Erasmus, a rediscovered and evocative party atmosphere has spread from the corridors of the school, to the streets of the city and into the houses!
Our Erasmus + K229 project "A small choir for a great continent" doesn't stop.
On this occasion, all the Eropean partners are showing the Christmas traditions of our countries.
In the school, in the streets, in the kitchens, in the houses, with children , teachers, families....from many places we have wanted to teach you how magical Christmas is in Spain.
We have had a great time making the video, we hope you like it and we thank everyone who has made it possible: Ines's mother, Mercedes ( the school cook) ,the lottery administration of Francisco García Pavón, the teachers... Beatriz, Cristina, Elena, Alicia, Mariló, Teresa...and all the teachers from the school, the families, the children of the school choir....To the Tomelloso Town Hall....(Nazaret) Thnak you all from the heart!!!
En esta ocasión, hemos querido enseñar las tradiciones navideñas en España.
En la escuela, en las calles, en las cocinas, en las casas, con niños, maestros y familias, hemos querido mostrar lo mágica que es nuestra Navidad.
Gracias a todos los que lo han hecho posible: Mercedes, la cocinera del colegio; la Administración de loterías de la Calle Francisco García Pavón, por dejarnos grabar en su local; al Ayuntamiento de Tomelloso (Nazaret), a las familias, a la madre de Inés por prestarnos su casa, a los niños del coro del Moral, que lo han hecho genial, a los maestros del colegio que de una forma u otra han participado, especialmente a Beatriz por ayudarnos con los guiones, a Cristina por las entradillas de los vídeos, al apoyo moral de Alicia, Mariló , Teresa y Elena...
Gracias de todo corazón!!!!
El Ceip Luis Costa de MURCIA celebra así la Navidad. Hemos elegido las costumbres y tradiciones de nuestra tierra. Esperemos que os guste. Los niños de sexto de primaria han puesto todo su cariño e ilusión. Estoy muy orgullosa de ellos, pues se están implicando muchísimo en este maravilloso proyecto. ¡¡Gracias chicos por vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación!!
CEIP Luis Costa de MURCIA celebrates Christmas. We have chosen the most relevant customs and traditions of our land. Sixth year children have given much love and illusion. I am very proud of them and I want to thank their involvement In this wonderful project.
Hello From Poland!!!!
We also have a video prepared to show everyone how we experience Christmas in our country.We hope you like it, because we have done it with a lot of love!!!

And we have here the presentation of Croatia. Bravo!!
You can see the coustoms and tradition of Christmas in Croatia.
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