jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2023

 Our project dresses up as Carnival!!!

El Ceip Luis Costa celebró el carnaval la semana pasada, y alumnos de Quinto y sexto de primaria se vistieron de Italianos, griegos, polacos y croatas. Este año nuestra semana cultural va a convertir a nuestro colegio en una agencia de viajes. Cada clase será un país, y se trabajarán las costumbres, tradiciones, danzas, geografía, historia y gastronomía de cada país.

Last week Ceip Luis Costa in MURCIA celebrated Carnival at school. The costumes were chosen to coincide with Cultural Week and the theme this year is: Around the World at CEIP Luis Costa. Each year group prepared a different country, looked at his geography, customs, folklore, history and gastronomy, etc. Carnival was a representation of each of the countries and the pupils from Years 5 & 6 got dressed up according to their country. Here you can see some photos of the children working on their projects related to Italy, Greece, Poland and Croatia, the countries in our KA2 Project.

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