Our Schedule!
1 st of the mobility!!!!
Our Choir Erasmus arrived to Umag , Croatia.
Our hosts gave us a warm welcome and from the first moment they made us feel at home.

Croatian school children sang for us and showed us their classrooms.

We started rehearsals soon singing our folklore repertoire.

Then the mayor received us and we were able to enjoy a walk through this beautiful city!!!!! 

To end the day we had visited the old Roman town called SIPAR, located in a unique enclave surrounded by sea!
Second day of our mobility in Umag, Croatia.

Our Croatian coordinators had taken us to the city of Pola, where they were waiting for us in the impressive Roman amphitheater, two gladiators who shown us their costumes, their weapons, shields and helmets and staged a fight for us.

Nuestros coordinadores croatas nos han llevado a la ciudad de Pola, donde nos esperaban en el impresionante anfiteatro romano, dos gladiadores que nos han mostrado sus trajes, sus armas, escudos y cascos y han protagonizado una lucha para nosotros.
Our children have been amazed and have thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

Nuestros niños se han quedado asombrados y han disfrutado muchísimo de esta experiencia.,
Then we have visited the tunnels that cross the city. Miles and miles of labyrinthine passageways..
Después hemos visitado los túneles que atraviesa la ciudad. Kilómetros y kilómetros de pasadizos laberínticas.
Por la tarde, nos esperaba una sorpresa. Niños de la Escuela Elemental de Vodnjan nos han deleitado con sus canciones y nosotros les hemos correspondido canciones de nuestro repertorio.
In the afternoon, a surprise awaited us. Children from the Vodnjan Elementary School have delighted us with their songs and we have reciprocated songs from our repertoire.

But something else awaited us, the Italian minority Community of Dignano have danced and sung for us, sharing their folklore, their songs and dances.
Pero algo más nos esperaba, la Comunidad de minoría italiana de Dignano han bailado y cantado para nosotros, compartiendo su folklore, sus canciones y bailes.
Thanks to this Community for showing us their culture and being able to involve the children, participating in workshops where they have been able to learn to dance and sing the folklore of the region. 

Gracias a esta Comunidad por mostrarnos su cultura y poder hacer partícipes a los niños, participando un unos talleres donde han podido aprender a bailar y a cantar el folklore de la región.
Our 1st concert.....
DAY 3: mobility in Croatia
We continue to discover the beauties and history of this wonderful land. Today visit the lively town of Porec and the basilica of San Mauro.
In the early afternoon, however, great enthusiasm and fun for the boat trip; we reached the pirate cave where the choir boys sang inside the cave, it was a truly evocative moment.
We ended the day with a walk in the town of Rovinj, an enchanting village characterized by narrow streets and panoramic views.
Thanks to the Croatian friends who organized this wonderful day for all of us.
4th day of our mobility in Croatia.

Our kids started the day with sound check in the concert hall.
Nuestros niños comenzaron el día con la prueba de sonido en la sala de concierto.

Afterwards we were able to enjoy a walk around the city and our guide Barbara showed us unique places and explained the history of the city. It was a very pleasant visit.
Después pudimos disfrutar de una paseo por la ciudad y nuestra guía Barbara nos enseñó lugares singulares y nos explicó la historia de la ciudad. Fue una visita muy amena !!

Comimos en la escuela y nos preparamos para el concierto, unos descansando...y otros en la piscina. Mientras los maestros de música expusimos nuestro proyecto y el sistema educativo de nuestros países a un conjunto de maestros de música de la región de Istria.
We ate at school and got ready for the concert, some resting...and others in the pool. While we music teachers exposed our project and the educational system of our countries to a group of music teachers from the Istria region.
It was enriching to share experiences with other colleagues.
Fue enriquecedor compartir experiencias con otros compañeros.

Por la tarde...el gran momento de todas las movilidades...EL CONCIERTO!
In the afternoon...the great moment of all mobilities...THE CONCERT!
Otra vez, las mágicas voces de nuestros niños inundaron la sala de conciertos, abarrotada de familias y de público que quiso a asistir a este fantástico evento.
Once again, the magical voices of our children flooded the concert hall, packed with families and people who wanted to attend this fantastic event

Gracias Eramus + por poder hacer realidad el sueño de estos maestros y de estos niños y dejarnis llevar nuestro folclore por Europa.
Thank you Erasmus + for being able to make the dream of these teachers and children come true and let us take our folklore around Europe

Fifth day of our mobility in Croatia. UMAG.

The last day of our mobility in this beautiful region, enjoying the hospitality of its people and its fantastic landscapes and, of course, its music and its betrayals.
Último día de nuestra movilidad en esta preciosa región, disfrutando de la hospitalidad de sus gentes y de sus fantásticos paisajes y, como no, de su música y sus traiciones.
Comenzamos conociendo un pueblo medieval Roc , donde los niños de su pequeña escuela nos han recibido y han cantado con nuestro coro.
We begin by getting to know a medieval Roc village, where the children of their small school have received us and have sung with our choir.
Después de pasear por sus callejuelas, nuestro guía se han encargado de enseñarnos los entresijos de la escritura glagolítica.
After strolling through its alleys, our guide has been in charge of teaching us the Glagolitic letters.
Junto a su perro, hemos podido disfrutar de la búsqueda de trufas en el bosque... los niños se han quedado asombrados al ver cómo el perro buscaba y era capaz de encontrar trufas enterradas en medio del bosque.
Together with his dog, we have been able to enjoy the search for truffles in the forest... the children have been amazed to see how the dog searched and was able to find truffles buried in the middle of the forest..

Una vez que hemos paseado por el bosque en busca del gran tesoro: las trufas, hemos puesto camino a Hum, la ciudad más pequeña del mundo. Tiene un encanto especial y sus calles te llevan a épocas medievales. Sus casas de piedra, pequeñas iglesias con frescos, hacen de Hum una ciudad mágica.
Once we have walked through the forest in search of the great treasure: truffles, we have set out for Hum, the smallest city in the world. It has a special charm and its streets take you back to medieval times. Its stone houses, small churches with frescoes, make Hum a magical city.

En primer lugar la ciudad fue creada como una torre defensora o torre de vigilancia en caso de ataques. Como la primera mención de la ciudad se remontan a la Edad Media (año 1102), al caminar (arriba y) por las calles te sientes como si estuvieras de vuelta en el tiempo. Casas de piedra, calles de piedra e iglesias de piedra parecen un gran escenario para una historia medieval
In the first place the city was created as a defensive tower or watchtower in case of attacks. As the first mention of the city dates back to the Middle Ages (year 1102), when walking (up and) through the streets you feel as if you are back in time. stone houses, stone streets and stone churches seem like a great setting for a medieval story..
En Hum hay una casa museo, abierta recientemente, donde puedes pasear por sus habitaciones que te trasladan más de 100 años atrás.
In Hum there is a house museum, recently opened, where you can walk through its rooms that take you back more than 100 years.
Niños y mayores nos hemos deleitado con una sabrosa comida donde la trufa estaba presente. Un sabor inconfundible y riquísimo que se sentía en cada plato.
Children and adults have been delighted with a tasty meal where the truffle was present. An unmistakable and delicious flavor that was felt in each dish.

Pero la sorpresa final de Ileana Pavletić Perosa nos esperaba. El coro que dirige nos ha regalado un concierto y los niños han escuchado estas maravillosas voces, que nos han dejado a todos sin palabras. Gracias por este gran regalo.
But the final surprise of Ileana Pavletić Perosa awaited us. The choir she directs has given us a concert and the children have heard these wonderful voices, which have left us all speechless. Thank you for this great gift.

Comenzamos 6 colegios con 6 maestros coordinadores....ya somos más de 40 amigos con más de 500 niños implicados, 8 colegios y todos sus maestros involucrados en este gran proyecto.
Gracias a todos por aportar vuestro granito de arena, por construir puentes que unen Europa, por hacer lazos que atan amistades traspasando fronteras, porque LA MÚSICA ES EL LENGUAJE DEL CORAZÓN Y ....porque....



We started 6 schools with 6 coordinating teachers...we are already more than 40 friends with more than 500 children involved, 8 schools and all their teachers involved in this great project.
thank you all for contributing your grain of sand, for building bridges that unite Europe, for making ties that bind friendships across borders, because MUSIC IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE HEART AND ....because....


* The City Council and the Mayor of UMAG.
* The Italian minority Community of Dignano
* Children from the Vodnjan Elementary School
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