Otra actividad que ha encantado a nuestros alumnos ha sido el intercambio de Christmas por Navidad. Los han hecho de todos los tipos, con diferentes materiales, todos en inglés y poniendo lo mejor de cada uno hacia a sus compañeros. Con cariño y emoción.🎅🎄🎇
Another activity that our students have loved has been the Christmas for Christmas exchange. They have made them of all types, with different materials, all in English and putting the best of each one towards their companions. With love and emotion.🎅🎆🎇🎉
--------------he Natale sarebbe senza le nostre cartoline di Natale? i bambini della scuola primaria dell'I.C. Pirandello di Comiso hanno preparato e spedito circa 475 cartoline a Tomelloso, Spagna.
Speriamo siano sufficienti per tutti i bambini della vostra scuola Pilar Daza Morales e che arrivino prima della vacanze natalizie!
What Christmas would it be without our Christmas cards? about 475 postcards have already been sent for Tomelloso. We hope they are enough for all the children in your school Pilar Daza Morales and that they'll arrive beforeChristmas holidays!
Christmas Cards from the Greek students ready to travel to our friends in Croatia!
Merry Christmas and A happy New Year to All!
The Christmas Card from MURCIA to POLAND!!!
Our letters are on the way .... from Poland to Murcia with you our heart

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