martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023

 Our choir dresses up as Carnival

The streets surrounding our school have been filled with festivities, colors and joy with the Carnival parade of our infant boys and girls.
This year the theme of the costumes revolved around our Erasmus+ project. Each class has paraded representing one of the partners of our Project: SPAIN (Murcia and Tomelloso), CROATIA, POLAND, GREECE and ITALY. The families and the public present have been able to see hams, Tomelloso flags, Romans, Greek yogurts, Croatian flags and Polish flags parading.
The boys and girls have worn their costumes with their joy and enthusiasm, made with bags and stationery materials, thanks to the effort and imagination of teachers and families. Thank you all for your collaboration. We are the best school in the world!!! Long live the carnival and long live Erasmus!!!!

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