Our logo contest
Nuestro coro no ha podido cantar ni ensayar desde Navidad, debido a la situación de la pandemia. Y lo echamos mucho de menos. Esperemos que pronto podamos volver a recuperar algo de normalidad.
Mientras tanto, seguimos con las actividades.
Los pasados meses de febrero y marzo, estuvimos conociendo el folklore de Castilla La Mancha, aprendimos La Jota Manchega, y seguimos con el intercambio de cartas entre los alumnos.
También hicimos un concurso de logos. Y los tres logos ganadores han sido estos.
¡¡Enhorabuena , chicos!!
Our choir has not been able to sing or rehearse since Christmas due to the pandemic situation. And we miss him so much. Hopefully soon we can regain some normality.
Meanwhile, we continue with the activities.
The last months of February and March, we were getting to know the flolklore of Castilla La Mancha, we learned La Jota Manchega, and we continued with the exchange of letters between the students.
We also did a logo contest. And the three winning logos in Luis Costa School have been these.
Congratulations guys !!
AND THE WINNER WAS.......🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Today the final phase of the Logo competition for our Erasmus project took place. All the logos presented were done with the heart and with care, they show how the kids are really involved by the project activities, so thanks to all the participants.
With great pleasure we announce that the winning logo is the Italian one, made by Carla Amarù, class 5A, I.C. L. Pirandello, Comiso

Oggi si è svolta la fase finale della Logo competiotion per il nostro progetto Erasmus. Tutti i loghi presentati sono stati realizzati con il cuore e con cura, mostrano come i ragazzi siano realmente coinvolti dalle attività del progetto, quindi grazie a tutti i partecipanti.
Con immenso piacere comunichiamo che il logo vincitore è quello italiano, realizzato da Carla Amarù, classe 5A, I.C. L. Pirandello, Comiso

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