martes, 29 de agosto de 2023


Con nuestros socios, compartimos una presentación para que conocieran el folklore y las tradiciones manchegas. EN esa presentación se proponían diferentes actividades como cocinar recetas (ya publicadas en entradas anteriores), construir molinos de viento, hacer cerámica, conocer el Quijote...etc... Nuestros socios conocieron mejor nuestra tierra y todos bailaron juna JOTA MANCHEGA.

With our partners, we shared a presentation so that they could get to know the folklore and traditions of La Mancha. In that presentation, different activities were proposed, such as cooking recipes (already published in previous entries), building windmills, making pottery, getting to know Don Quixote... etc... Our members got to know our land better and they all danced to the JOTA MANCHEGA.

 Aquí teneís la presentación. Here you are the link!!!

Las actividades tuvieron una acogida impresionante, como habéis podido comprobar en la cantidad de recetas que se compartieron y de las que hemos colgado una muestra (fueron cientos). La pandemia no pudo acabar con nuestras ganas de aprender y de seguir adelante pese a las dificultades.

The activities had an impressive reception, as you have seen in the number of recipes that were shared and of which we have posted a sample (there were hundreds). The pandemic could not end our desire to learn and move forward despite the difficulties.

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