Our letters!!
Tutte le classi quarte della scuola primaria dell'I.C. Pirandello sono coinvolti in un'attività di corrispondenza epistolare in lingua inglese con i bambini delle scuole partecipanti al progetto Erasmus, A small choir for a great continent.

Nuestros alumnos están haciendo amigos de Erasmus intercambiando cartas.📜 Esta actividad comenzó en Navidad y ya vamos por la segunda tanda de intercambios.
Está resultando una actividad muy interesante y motivadora para ellos y quién sabe los lazos de amistad que puedan empezar gracias a esta actividad!!!!💝
Además, están aumentando su contacto gracias a las redes sociales....Estos chicos han nacido en la era tecnológica!!!!!📴
Our kids are making Eramus friends by exchanging letters. We started this activity at Christmas🎶 and we are already on the second batch of shipments.
It's turning out to be a a very interesting and motivating activity....🎉 Who knows the bonds of friendship that may arise!!!!!
In addition, they expand their contacts with other digital media.... these guys were born in the technological age!!!!!🎮

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